Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Hoist the Colors


What the pirates say when they are about to fight from the ship on TV. I do love the music by Hans Zimmer for Pirates of the Caribbean films.

Went leaf peeping on the long week-end, and these are all halfway decent, colorful phone pics from the trip. Definitely peak season there now. Not ready yet here. Probably ready for frost now though, getting chilly.

Will be going to the library soon to peruse very nifty good Cannon Cam photos I wish I could make my own postcards from... Or books, or calenders. 
I could use some free lance Xmas cash, if I can figure out what to do for that...

Still not great at figuring out new laptop editing, and I hate having to pay for cloud storage to save images. Also have to keep rushing my 1 hour of allotted computer time at the library for cam pic transfers.

I have used up 2 camera cards already, mostly due to my short movie pans. Tough to hold steady, but getting better at it. These are secondary pic choices from the cell phone cam, not already posted on FB, same locations.

Umbagog Lake State Park. Still need to figure out the name of that big mountain there, unknown. Maybe can Google it. 

The mountains looked like fuzzy , plush , rolling hills. My big Sis and bbf rented a car, and drove us from Maine to New Hampshire, around the mountain roads, and cliffs . Definitely worth the trip. 

May take time to get to use those awesome Cannon pics and videos. I would so rather play with this stuff than research forms and stuff I need to do...

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