Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Unique and Original

 From Old ESR January 2006

A totally drawn on computer with mouse in paint Unicorn pic used as a Gravitar. Would be my little profile pic in convos and comments on certain non-blogger places such as WordPress, Tumbler, and chats. Wonder what happened to that site... Cause it is gone now. Lost forever... 

This took like a whole day to draw that way... Then I went nuts resizing it to 75 pixels square. Drew my nic-name, "Snag" in it too. Yep, gone! 

Erica posted in a FB memory that she deleted her MySpace page. I never did, nor Live Journal, or Tumbr, or the  WordPress Blog, or several other alternate identity blogs. Or mine and Mom's AngelFire page with recipes on it. Never know when you need those, or want to see her pics. 

I don't mind leaving breadcrumbs to follow after I am gone. Don't know why others try to delete their work! I try to keep saving mine! 

People may try to figure out who I was someday... And it's been out there since 1991.

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