Sunday, October 2, 2022

Fave pic of 2009

Pic taken driving through LH golf course. 

I had a whole bunch of the best sunset photos ever taken back on my old cam from between 2013 and '15. Somehow, they were all accidentally erased one day taking pics outside, when I was pressing buttons unable to read what it said without reading glasses. Some were on my PC hard drive, just a few due to always being low on memory and time for transferring.

Then the computer ALU fried, and I lost those too. I lost all my daughter's wedding photos with it. It was a small and private ceremony, and the only other photos belonged to her best friend who passed away the year I moved here, now only existing on FB. Kinda how I ended up on FB, after kids got me a small Andriod tablet. I resisted the non-anonymity of that FB platform for a long time. 

The old hard drive got some  files transferred off it, but still never got back some of the best pics I could ever hope to take at my old location.  

Now I am going nuts blogging without being able to alter the pics I took. I will have to deal with it awhile longer... Old pics from ESR here we come!

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15 years ago today

 My neighbor, Jane, passed away.  I wrote this that day. Can't get her pic to post here, not sure why. On my phone, won't come to bl...